
十大彩票平台技术社区学院, a public not-for-profit institution and the Commonwealth's only technical community college, continues the pioneering legacy of the Springfield Armory with comprehensive and technical education in manufacturing, 阀杆, 医疗保健, 业务, 社会服务, 以及文科. 十大彩票平台备受推崇的员工队伍, 证书, 学位, and transfer programs are the most affordable in Springfield and provide unequalled opportunity for the vitality of Western Massachusetts. 成立于1967年, the college – a designated 西班牙裔服务机构 – seeks to close achievement gaps among students who traditionally face societal barriers. 十大彩票平台 supports students as they transform their lives through 智力ual, 文化, 和经济交往,同时变得深思熟虑, 承诺, 以及有社会责任感的毕业生.


十大彩票平台技术社区学院 supports students as they transform their lives.


十大彩票平台技术社区学院将是一个充满活力的, multi-文化 learning community where students grow in character, 智力, 和自信.


  • 奉献: We believe that with pride and determination among our faculty, 工作人员, and students we can create a community of truly inspired individuals.
  • 完整性: We are 承诺 to fostering an environment that promotes truth and the development of individual character.
  • 尊重: We nurture mutual respect among faculty, 工作人员, and students. With respect, we embrace differences to create an inclusive environment for all.
  • 社区: 作为社区中的社区, we improve lives and strengthen the region through accessible and affordable higher education.
  • 以学生为中心: 我们鼓励学生尽其所能做到最好. We provide a diverse educational experience that promotes personal and professional growth.
  • 有爱心的 & 承诺: As a community of dedicated faculty and 工作人员 who care about student success, we produce graduates who will contribute to the well-being of the region and the Commonwealth.


Our graduates have risen to prominence in their professions and consider 十大彩票平台 to be the most vital link in their successes. Whether employed by one of our region's prominent health care facilities or major manufacturers, the message from employers is always the same - 十大彩票平台 graduates deliver. 事实上, they deliver the most vital services the Greater Springfield area depends on and cannot live without.


When students complete an associate-level 学位 program at 十大彩票平台, in addition to having acquired and demonstrated program-related skills and competencies, students will also have the following general education skills and competencies:

  • 批判性思维学生将能够培养一种有纪律的, 自主, systematic framework for thinking and problem solving appropriate to the situation.
  • 书面及口头沟通学生将成为作家, 读者, 演讲者, and listeners who use the English language effectively and appropriately.
  • 定量推理: 学生 will be able to develop a mathematical and logical mode of thinking.
  • 数字素养: 学生 will develop familiarity with technology that will improve their creativity, 生产力, and communication skills while also developing the skills necessary for research and information management.
  • 信息素养: 学生 will be able to recognize information needs and locate, 分析, 评估, 不管格式如何都要使用信息.


  • 学位和证书课程的活跃数量:81


了解详细情况, 数据, 以及十大彩票平台的统计数据, 我们的学生, 以及我们的学术项目, 请浏览我们的 机构研究页面.


  • 通识及专业研究
  • 科学、技术、工程和数学
  • 健康 & 病人模拟


  • 566(2023年秋季)


  • 截至2024年6月30日,共有42,476人


  • 年度入学人数(2024财年): 6,345
  • Class of 2024 Credentials Awarded (July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2024): 671个副学士学位,250个证书
  • 2023年秋季招生: 4,561
  • 年龄范围: 14-82
  • 种族: White 36%, Hispanic 34%, Black 14%, Other including unknown 16%
  • 性别: 女性:60%,男性37%,未知/其他3%
  • 注册状态: 兼职63%,全职37%
  • 平均年龄: 22

For more information and data about 十大彩票平台 including student rights and responsibilities, 学生的结果, 财政援助政策, 请参阅 学生消费者资料页.